Crxscxnt’s Setup

Originally built ≈ November 2019
Owner: crxscxnt
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Battlestation Breakdown

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If you’re wondering what that floor light fixture is on the left of his desk, it’s a DIY. Here’s how he made it:

“I bought a 4 ft clear plastic tube from Home Depot, rolled up parchment paper, and placed it inside the tube, wrapped LED light strips around a 4 ft wooden dowel rod, used hot glue and one single nail to secure one end of the rod onto one of the end caps, placed the rod inside the tube and secured cap onto the end of plastic tube, and did the same to the other end using tons of hot glue and another single nail.

Careful not to let the glue spill onto the actual light strips. I cut a small slit on the bottom of the plastic tube to run the wires through. The wire was the LED wifi adaptor (for changing the colors through an application on my phone) as well as the power brick.”

We love the pastel colors displayed throughout the setup including the art prints, wallpaper, keycaps, and lights.  


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